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It is often said that a good divorce is better than a bad marriage; but is this still the case?

For many couples, the mere thought of breaking up (especially when there are small children around) is frightening and sometimes even overwhelming.

However, in some cases, going through a divorce to start a new life turns out to be the best possible choice.

Assessing the pros and cons with a family lawyer will help you make the right choice for you.

How do I know when it is time to end my marriage?

If you are not happy in your marital relationship, you can legitimately wonder about the eventual end of this relationship and the advisability of a divorce.

But how do you know if it’s time to flaunt the word END or to make concessions to give your relationship another chance?

You are the or the only person who can answer this question because it is important to note that all couples have ups and downs in their relationships (even the happiest couples).

However, that being said, there are certain events and facts that should be taken into account when considering a divorce.

Infidelity: If you or your partner is having feelings for another person, this is a sign to consider for a separation. Marriage turned out to be a “small business” with the most “love”; and living as a couple without love can become an unhappy life.

Staying together for the kids:

If you stay together for the “sake of the children” be convinced that your children are most certainly aware of your marital disagreement and that they can sometimes believe they are responsible for it.

More common interests:

Having personal passions and interests is important, but if in a couple everyone lives their life on their own and the spouses no longer spend time together, the question of marital compatibility must be asked. Being in a relationship also means having common interests.


Teasing, shouting, shouting all day, no longer talking to each other … are signs of deep discomfort in the couple.

Addiction :

Alcohol and drugs separate couples in pain. If your partner is addicted to alcohol or drugs and refuses to seek treatment, it may also be time to consider separation for your own survival.

Violence :

Nothing ever justifies violence!

This list is far from exhaustive and even if you are faced with one of the above situations, it does not mean that you have to start divorce proceedings.

Fortunately, there are other solutions such as temporary separation, family mediation, couple therapy …

The most important thing, and what you absolutely must do, is to speak about it with a specialist in the couple.